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Best Smoke Bush Companion Plants

Title:Best Smoke Bush Companion Plants


Smoke bush (Cotinus coggygria) is a deciduous shrub that is known for its delicate, feathery foliage and showy, smoky-purple flowers. It is a versatile plant that can be grown in a variety of settings, from sun to shade, and it is relatively easy to care for.

One of the best things about smoke bush is that it can be used to create a variety of different landscape effects. It can be used as a single specimen plant, massed in shrub borders, or even as a hedge. It can also be used to add color and interest to a shady garden.

When choosing companion plants for smoke bush, it is important to consider the plant's mature size, light requirements, and soil conditions. Smoke bush can grow to be 6-10 feet tall and wide, so it is important to choose companion plants that will not outgrow it. Smoke bush also prefers full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil.

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Here are some of the best companion plants for smoke bush:

  • Viburnum. Viburnums are a diverse group of shrubs that come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. Many viburnums are shade tolerant, making them a good choice for planting near smoke bush. Some popular viburnum varieties for shady gardens include viburnum dentatum (arrowwood viburnum), viburnum opulus (snowball viburnum), and viburnum carlesii (Koreanspice viburnum). Image of Viburnum shrub
  • Ninebark. Ninebark is a hardy shrub that is known for its showy, exfoliating bark. It is tolerant of a variety of soil conditions and can grow in full sun to partial shade. Ninebark can be used to add interest to the winter landscape, as its bark will often remain attractive even after the leaves have fallen. Image of Ninebark shrub
  • Tickseed. Tickseed is a low-maintenance perennial that is known for its daisy-like flowers. It is tolerant of drought and heat, making it a good choice for sunny gardens. Tickseed can also be used to attract butterflies and other pollinators to the garden. Image of Tickseed perennial
  • Ornamental grasses. Ornamental grasses are a great way to add texture and movement to the garden. They come in a variety of sizes and colors, so you can find one that will complement the smoke bush's foliage. Some popular ornamental grasses for shady gardens include miscanthus, fountain grass, and zebra grass. Image of Ornamental grasses
  • Spirea. Spirea is a genus of shrubs that are known for their showy flowers. They come in a variety of colors, including white, pink, and red. Spirea can be grown in full sun to partial shade and is relatively easy to care for. Image of Spirea shrub


Smoke bush is a versatile and easy-to-grow shrub that can be used to add color and interest to any garden. By choosing the right companion plants, you can create a beautiful and harmonious landscape that will last for years to come.

Smoke bush (Cotinus coggygria) is a beautiful shrub that can add a touch of elegance to any garden. It is known for its delicate, feathery foliage and its showy, smoky blooms. Smoke bush is relatively easy to care for and can thrive in a variety of conditions.

When choosing companion plants for smoke bush, it is important to consider the plant's size, sun exposure, and soil requirements. Some good companion plants for smoke bush include:

  • Viburnum
  • Ninebark
  • Tickseed
  • Ornamental grasses
  • Spirea
  • Weigela
  • Black-eyed Susan
  • Helenium
  • Yarrow
  • Hydrangea
  • Japanese maple
  • Asters

For more information about smoke bush companion plants, visit this website:

FAQ of smoke bush companion plants

  • What are some good companion plants for smoke bush?

Some good companion plants for smoke bush include:

  • Viburnum: This shrub offers colorful fall foliage, spring blooms, and winter interest. It can help to provide privacy and structure in the landscape.

  • Ninebark: This shrub has attractive exfoliating bark and can tolerate a wide range of soil conditions. It is a good choice for shady areas.

  • Tickseed: This perennial wildflower has bright yellow flowers that bloom in the summer. It is drought-tolerant and easy to care for.

  • Ornamental grasses: These grasses add movement and texture to the landscape. They can also help to provide year-round interest.

  • Spirea: This shrub has delicate white or pink flowers that bloom in the spring. It is a good choice for adding color and interest to the landscape.

  • What are some things to consider when choosing companion plants for smoke bush?

When choosing companion plants for smoke bush, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Sunlight: Smoke bush prefers full sun, but it can tolerate partial shade.

  • Water: Smoke bush is drought-tolerant, but it will appreciate regular watering during the hot summer months.

  • Soil: Smoke bush prefers well-drained soil.

  • Height: Smoke bush can grow up to 10 feet tall, so it is important to choose companion plants that will not outgrow it.

  • Color: Smoke bush has purple, pink, or white flowers, so it is a good idea to choose companion plants that will complement its color scheme.

  • How far apart should smoke bush companion plants be planted?

The spacing between smoke bush companion plants will depend on the size of the plants. In general, it is a good idea to plant them 3-5 feet apart.

  • How do I care for smoke bush companion plants?

The care requirements for smoke bush companion plants will vary depending on the type of plant. However, in general, most companion plants will appreciate regular watering, fertilizing, and deadheading.

  • Can smoke bush be propagated from cuttings?

Yes, smoke bush can be propagated from cuttings. To do this, take a 6-inch cutting from a healthy plant in the spring or summer. Remove the lower leaves from the cutting and dip it in rooting hormone. Plant the cutting in a pot of well-draining soil and keep it moist. The cutting should root in about 4-6 weeks.

  • Is smoke bush deer resistant?

Smoke bush is not deer resistant. Deer will often eat the leaves and flowers of this plant. If you live in an area with deer, you may want to choose companion plants that are deer resistant.

Image of smoke bush companion plants

10 different images of smoke bush companion plants that are free to use:

  1. Viburnum Image of Viburnum shrub
  2. Ninebark Image of Ninebark shrub
  3. Tickseed Image of Tickseed flower
  4. Ornamental grasses Image of Ornamental grasses
  5. Spirea Image of Spirea shrub
  6. Weigela Image of Weigela shrub
  7. Black-eyed Susan Image of Black-eyed Susan flower
  8. Helenium Image of Helenium flower
  9. Echinacea Image of Echinacea flower
  10. Rudbeckia Image of Rudbeckia flower

These plants are all compatible with smoke bushes in terms of their growing conditions and appearance. They will add different colors, textures, and heights to your garden, and they will bloom at different times of the year, so you will have something to enjoy all season long.

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